Thursday, 19 May 2011


the-spy-hole-project the-spy-hole-project  the-spy-hole-project

Please can you send photographs of the view from a spy hole

Currently, I am collecting pictures of a view from a spy hole. This view could be from a front door, back door, at your house or someone else’s or even from a hotel room. The collection of images hopes to look at ideas of the voyeur, home and place looking through a lens creating many layers and many view points. The project covers ideas of  privacy, secrecy, insecurity and safety.

The images collected will be used for the development of two separate art projects. Many photographs will be manipulated and some just left as a document.

Some of these pictures have already appeared in a film due to be shown this September.

 You will be able to follow the project on line and if you send a picture I  will be inviting you to any events that involves the work.

Please get involved PLEASE send your photos to

Many thanks
Leila Houston

17th january 2012  Leicester


3rd August 2011 Bournemouth

                                                                                                  'Lizzys Brothers Place'

kidderminster 1/7/11

Sent 5/06/11 Birmingham

'.....some are x-rated plz don't ask'

Photo taken  22/05/2011  Leicester, UK


Photographs taken 22/05/11 Leicester, UK

 24 hour Suburbia       D. W. Clarke

 Cornwall Prison, UK 27/07/10 

Louise Spencer 07/10

Spy window for lining up the stairs 

It is about 2 inches in diameter
sent  26/ 05/11

Over Croatia